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Begin a Journey To a Perfect Life

Follow Your Heart
Be yourself, follow your heart! In yogic sense, the phrase “be yourself – follow your heart” has a deeper meaning. It means aligning not only with the attributes of your personality but also aligning with your true nature.

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Moje stranke o meni

You’ve done an excellent job with the winter schedule, and I truly appreciate how hard you work to accommodate everyone. All of the new classes, time offerings, and instructors look better than ever. Thank you so much, BeYoga! You are the best.

Judy Morison, 22 y.o.

Judy Morison, 22 y.o.

My Second new home… Love it and can’t live without it! Every day there are awesome events in the center, like a different type of yoga, amazing deep meditations and much more. An atmosphere of peace and serenity. The wonderful workout for the body.

Angela Park, 29 y.o.

Angela Park, 29 y.o.

I look forward to this class all week. No matter what kind of mood I have, the very minute I step into this center, I change, I became the happiest person in the world! Yoga has brought so much peace and joy into my life. Thank you so much!

Joan Mason, 35 y.o.

Joan Mason, 35 y.o.
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BeYoga Application
A great app for beginners, app gives users short sessions that they can fit in anywhere, anytime. Each pose includes an animated illustration plus instructions to make sure you’re training safely. They are perfect for when you feel crunched for time respectively.

Iz bloga

Zadnje novice
Val sreče
Želja shujšati, želja po gibanju, želja po zdravem načinu življenja je prisotna v večini vas. Ponavadi si naredite plan in začnete. Shujšate, se nečemu odpoveste. Odlično. Začasno osvojite neko rutino…
Odnos do sebe
Osebnostna organizacija nastane tako, da nekaj prinesemo s seboj na svet, nekaj je pogojeno, nekaj je vzgoja, nekaj naša aktivnost. Na naš odnos do sebe vplivajo tudi razni pritiski, obremenitve,…
Carpe Diem

Ste zadovoljni ? Najpomembnejše je, da vse odgovore nosite sami v sebi. Le poslušati se morate. Globoko v sebi točno veste, kaj vam ustreza. Veste tudi česa ne želite. Če…

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